REST API plugin
Product Information
REST API plugin for Revive/ OpenX Adserver is used to perform the remote communication between any applications using the REST architecture. The plugin allows the user to access the backend as revive ad server with their customized user-interface. REST is a light and fast platform for its users and the REST API response would be in JSON format. The user can access the plugin in all versions of revive ad server.
The plugin support major features of revive ad server using REST API and it is categorized as,
Revive Management Functions
Revive management function is used to manage all user-interface features like add/edit/delete revive entities like advertiser, campaign, banners, trackers, websites and zones.
Revive Statistics Functions Revive management function is used to manage all user-interface features like add/edit/delete revive entities like advertiser, campaign, banners, trackers, websites and zones.
Revive statistics functions is used to retrieve all revive statistics data by using filter by date and filter by revive entities.
REST API Methods: Revive Management Functions
The plugin user can perform the following managerial operations using revive management functions and they are.
Agency Management
Add Agency
Edit Agency
Delete agency
Get agency details
Advertiser Management
Add advertiser
Edit advertiser
Delete advertiser
Get advertiser details
Get all advertisers
Campaign Management
Add campaign
Edit campaign
Delete campaign
Get campaign details
Get all campaign
Banner Management
Add Banner
Edit Banner
Get limitation
Set limitation
Get all banners
Get banner details
Delete banner
Publisher Management
Add publisher Edit publisher
Delete publisher
Get publisher details
Get all publishers
Zone Management
Add zone Edit zone
Delete zone
Get zone details
Get all zones
User Management
Add user Edit user
Delete user
Get user
Get all users
Tracker Management
Add tracker
Edit tracker
Delete tracker
Get tracker
Get tracker by advertiser
Link Management
Link Ad By Zone
Link Campaign By Zone
Link Zone By Ad
Link Zone By Campaign
Targeting channel Management
Add targeting channel by website
Add targeting channel by agency
Revive Statistics Functions:
The REST API plugin provides API calls to retrieve statistics of revive using date and entity names.
Agency Statistics
Agency daily statistics
Agency advertiser statistics
Agency campaign statistics
Agency banner statistics
Agency publisher statistics
Agency Zone Statistics
Advertiser Zone Statistics
Campaign Statistics
Campaign Daily Statistics
Campaign Banner Statistics
Campaign Publisher Statistics
Campaign Zone Statistics
Campaign Conversion Statistics
Banner Statistics
Banner Daily Statistics
Banner Publisher Statistics
Banner Zone Statistics
Publisher Statistics
Publisher Daily Statistics
Publisher Zone Statistics
Publisher Advertiser Statistics
Publisher Campaign Statistics
Publisher Banner Statistics
Zone Statistics
Zone Daily Statistics
Zone Advertiser Statistics
Zone Campaign Statistics
Zone Banner Statistics